


"Working together for a free Cuba"




President of the MCUD delivers a message for president George W. Bush
Mary Fernandez/Press Director of SOS Justice

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Dr.h.c. César L. Alarcón.

A message by the Cuban Movement for a Unified Democracy (MCUD) and the SOS Justice directed to the President of the United States of America, Mr. George W. Bush, was given directly on September 26th by Caesar L. Alarcón to the White House Press Secretary, Tony Snow during the 2006 Fall National meeting of the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle.

Present at the formal gala were the vice-president of the U.S.A. Mr. Dick Cheney, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist as well as republican Senators of many states.

Alarcón, who is also a Doctor Honoris Causa, shared a table with the Inner Circle Chairman Senator John Thune who received from the hands of the Cuban engineer a copy of the letter directed to President Bush so that it can be given to the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Mr. Richard Lugar, who could not attend the event due to other commitments.

In one of the passages of the letter sent to president George W. Bush it states: “For 230 years the Americans have known that “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”. Therefore, the Cuban Movement for a Unified Democracy and the SOS Justice invoke this rule from the American Declaration of Independence to solicit the oppressed Cuban people the same solidarity that long ago the liberators of the United States of America received from nations like France and Cuba".

The event was held at the Hotel J.W. Marriott and the National Museum of Washington D.C. during September 25th and 26th.

During both days of intense agenda Eng. Alarcón discussed the subject of the liberation of the Cuban people with some US Senate Foreign Relations Committee senators.

The Republican Senatorial Inner Circle is composed of past or present Republican members of the United States Senate. It represents an impressive cross -- section of American society --community leaders, business executives, entrepreneurs, … and entertainment celebrities - all of whom hold a deep interest in our nation's prosperity and security. The Inner Circle Leadership Committee recently nominated the Engineer Alarcón for membership in the exclusive Inner Circle.

The following is the plaintext of the message sent to president George W. Bush:

September 26, 2006.
Washington, DC.

Mr. George W. Bush
President of the United States of America

Dear friend,

Concerned about almost half century of struggle against the dictatorship that oppresses our homeland and based on the present problems, we want to share with You and with members of your cabinet, the legislative and judicial body, some ideas which if implemented by your administration with legislative support would help to break the inertia of our libertarian cause stagnant for so many years.

Pragmatism is the only form of thought and analysis able to respond to the following. Why is it that most of the Cuban people have not been able to rebel themselves and overthrow the communist government that has oppressed them since last century? Speculations that after the death or physical/mental incapacity of Fidel Castro would stop the oppression; that at some undetermined historical point an alliance between the military and the oppressed will form to release the later; or that the requests and denunciations of precarious dissident associations, independent journalists and librarians will cause pacific changes towards democracy, these are suppositions detrimental for the cause of liberation of the Cubans, these are conjectures without credibility in the face or irrefutable fact because the oppressive Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) will usurp the power indefinitely if it is not overthrown by force.

For 230 years the Americans have known that “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”. Therefore, the Cuban Movement for a Unified Democracy and the SOS Justice invoke this rule from the American Declaration of Independence to solicit the oppressed Cuban people the same solidarity that long ago the liberators of the United States of America received from nations like France and Cuba.

SOS Justice and the MCUD recalls that there exist international treaties such as the Universal Declaration of Human rights where "as a last resort, man is compelled to rebel against tyranny and oppression" is recognized, a principle by which the democratic people of the world have the moral and legal obligations to support whoever wishes to free themselves of an oppressive regime.

In Cuba the oppression is confirmed by the principles of the Communist Party of Cuba imposed in their constitutional text whose fifth article segregates all political groups that do not accept the communist doctrine, and also that oppression is confirmed by the fact that in that country authentic elections have not been held for almost half century, therefore the MCUD and SOS Justice maintain that Cuba is not governed by law but rather by abuse. Therefore we consider any attempt to reform the system imposed by the Communists inadmissible and erroneous since it contravenes the universally accepted principle that there can not be justice violating the law.

On the other hand we deem any request of aid or intervention by the O.A.S. and the UN useless against the conflict of the Cubans with their oppressors because those organizations do not have penal jurisdiction on criminal associations like the PCC and because, paradoxically, the Secretary General of United Nations Kofi Annan just concluded a trip to Cuba where he met with the oppressors of the Cuban people and with other officials from governments considered terrorist by the United States of America but he ignored the precarious movement defending human rights in our country even though several activists requested Annan to meet with them. In addition the frequent refusals of the PCC to allow UN to supervise the human rights situation or the political prisoners in Cuba in spite of which that international organization, contravening the principles that it promulgates, treats the PCC terrorists as authentic representatives of the people of Cuba.

It is axiomatic that to triumph over the abuse, viable plans, based on methods of conflict confirmed by science (that is based on civil resistance, rebellion or both) as well as human resources and funds to execute these plans, are required. History demonstrates that no oppressive regime frees its victims but it is up to the oppressed to break the yoke that imprisons them. For example the Americans would not be owners of their destiny nor would have gotten to be the democratic paradigm of the world if it had not rebelled against the injustices of England. Equally, to self-govern, the Cubans will have to overthrow the power to the communist oppressors.

Consequently with the aforementioned, the SOS Justice and the MCUD reject plebiscites or any other form of popular consultation in which the oppressor PCC is considered an option, because it is against moral and natural law that criminals become part of the solution of the conflict that they themselves caused. The Cuban conflict will only begin to be solved when the Communists are removed from government by any means, when the administration of justice for the victims is guaranteed, and when by law no member of the PCC can hold public positions.

MCUD and SOS Justice, respectfully, ask the American government and its people to review the distribution of funds for projects related to the promotion of democracy in Cuba in order that those resources are granted to organizations solely whose plans are based on methods of conflict confirmed by the science of History to be effective. It is essential for the cause of the liberation of the Cubans to have the use of these funds for which we ask the creation of public control procedures because they are contributions of US taxpayers.

MCUD and SOS Justice are thankful to the American government for implementing in their policy towards Cuba aspects that we have solicited such as not tolerating impunity of the criminals of the PCC, to prevent them entrance into American territory, as well as to track the money that they have robbed from the Cubans to be returned to the public State Treasury when Cuba reigns in freedom and democracy.

Finally, SOS Justice and the MCUD emphasize the necessity of effective support that is demanded by the cause of liberation of the Cuban people. Without this solidarity little or nothing will be possible to be done on the matter. It is necessary that the activists in Cuba who plan to apply methods of conflict confirmed by History are the one who receive the bulk of the funds destined by the American government to promote democracy in Cuba (and not those based in the U.S.A.) because there will never be freedom nor democracy while the criminals of the PCC are in power. Any hypothesis, project or plans that are not based on these scientific procedures must be rejected as unjustifiable. Without a free mother country the best plans, projects or studies are useless because they are simply impossible to apply.

The independence of the activists in Cuba will be directly proportional to the degree of monetary support that they receive and this norm explains why the PCC’s first course of action is to have its political police remove pro-democracy fighters from their jobs. The distribution of funds also must be earmarked exclusively for unifying anti-communist forces, it must be controlled publicly, and successes and failures obtained with the money of taxpayers must be made public.

The Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba can make better recommendations to the American government in matters of policy towards Cuba by consulting with more activists defending democracy and leveraging their experiences. That’s the reason why we recommend to this organization the establishment of broader and participative work meetings.

Dear President George W. Bush we hope that you and your administration offer the necessary support to the cause for our liberation.

Our best wishes for you Mr. President and Laura.

Ing. César L. Alarcón
Doctor Honoris Causa
President of the MCUD / Director of Public Relations SOS Justicia

Lázaro González Valdés
Ex prisoner of Conscience
Director of SOS Justicia

cc. Vice President of the United States, Hon. Richard B. Cheney.
Secretary of State, Hon. Condoleezza Rice.
Hon. Senator Richard G. Lugar (Chairman Senate Foreign Relations Committee)
Attorney General, Hon. Alberto R. Gonzales.