


"Working together for a free Cuba"




Base, structure, and fundamental purposes
a. The organization:

Net for Cuba International is a non-profit organization legally established under the statutes of the state of Florida since 2002, with the mission to educate and inform the national and international general public through internet communications, about the real situation in Cuba today under the regime of Fidel Castro.

b. Our work methodology comprises three fundamental directions:

1. Official internet site: www.netforcuba.org

a) This is in English and Spanish, with an average of more than 10,000 pages with general information and up-to-date news about the situation in Cuba, newspaper articles, informative materials about the ruling communist system, photographic material, videos, etc.

b) It informs and educates international public opinion via Internet, about the true situation in Cuba in respect to its political, economic and social environment.

c) It constantly denounces the violation of civil and human rights by the regime of Fidel Castro against the Cuban people. This is achieved through close cooperation with organizations, groups, and projects established throughout the world that maintain direct contact with the opposition inside the island.

d) It serves as support for activities, projects, international campaigns, press communiqués, etc., of organizations, groups and projects of exile groups, the goal of which is to condemn and denounce the totalitarian nature of the Castro regime and are looking for a radical change to it.

e) It saves general information and news about what is happening in Cuba as a means of consulting public opinion.

2. NetforCuba Network

a) Constitutes an ample net of electronic mail worldwide grouped into seven fundamental groups: Press, Human Rights Organizations, Red Cross International, Governments, Leftist Organizations, Mail inside Cuba and the general public.

b) It serves as a means for professional cyber channeling to organizations, groups and/or projects inside Cuba or in exile, that desire to communicate their information and messages in favor of the freedom of Cuba.

c) It sends a clear message from the Cuban people and its organizations to the world.

d) It connects Cubans and friends of their causes throughout the world, so as to remain informed and alert about what happens in Cuba and in the exile community, so that our voices can be raised no matter where in the world one is.

e) It gives everyone the opportunity without exception to work for Cuba from the comfort of their homes, not only by searching for new electronic mails to which to forward information, but also to share it with friends and family. That is precisely the objective of our work, to constantly search for new avenues to disseminate the truth about Cuba to keep touching hearts and consciences throughout the world.

3. Assistance to internet sites.

Design and advice to internet sites belonging to organization or groups in the exile community. This has become a fundamental priority for us since we believe that each new site is a window to denounce the Castro regime.

c. Our philosophy and Reason for Being:

As indicated by our mission statement, our organization exists to educate and inform the national and international public about the reality of Cuba today through internet technology, with the objective of bringing fundamental changes in the social, political, and economic system inside Cuba. Based in this principle, we would like to make the following clear:

1. Our fight is a frontal one, and so that is how we approach it. Our enemy is the repressive regime of Fidel Castro and their machinery of terror and death; and our policy is clear and well defined: to denounce and to combat it, and to that end we direct our efforts and energy.

2. Net for Cuba International reserves the right to publish what it deems appropriate. We will never publish information aimed at slandering anyone involved in the fight against the Castro regime, criticize in a destructive manner the contents of a document or project, or confuse public opinion by publishing ill-intended declarations to minimize or cause harm to the work of individual groups, organizations or persons either inside the island or in the exile community, because that contradicts our assumed vertical position. In other words, we publish what unites, adds, and strengthens our fighting front, and we reject anything that aims at separating and weakening us.

3. The Fidel Castro regime has spent millions of dollars to lie to people worldwide about the true situation in Cuba. It is our job to close ranks and recognize this reality, more so because there is an entire people languishing in the most cruel and terrible ostracism. In the name of that Cuba that suffers, Jose Marti’s words, “To unite is a must” should inspire now more than ever the soul and heart of all Cubans.

d. Call to Action:

As we said before, each one of us can work for Cuba from home. Here is some direction for those who wish to do it:

1. Must have a computer and access to Internet;

2. Subscribe to NetforCubaNetwork through our official emails of massive distribution: loupagani@netforcuba.org  and nfc@netforcuba.org  This will make you a member of Net for Cuba.

3. You must have fifteen minutes a day available.

4. Make a list of emails of friends and family members to whom the information received would be forwarded to. In this context, we ask of you to leave our source: Net for Cuba Internatinal (www.netforcuba.org) as part of the forwarded mail. It is very important that our internet site keep being divulged in an unlimited and constant manner.

5. Search for groups or forums that deal with the Cuban thematic. Once localized, publish in them the information received. Important: Priority should be given to those forums that belong to written press, radio, or television to take advantage of the high number of visitors they get.

6. We ask that those people that have access to a radio or television program or have the opportunity to write for a newspaper in the community where they live, help us with the dissemination of any information received.

e. Our Message:

We will continue disseminating, networking, and strengthening through the internet. We will continue to grow, and impel the work of those that look to overthrow the communist tyranny with the Cuba that suffers in our hearts hoping for a future with justice, democracy and freedom for all Cubans.

For a Free Cuba
Board of Directors
Net for Cuba International